So, I've found this awesome application to show the history of our facebook statuses from the very beginning you created your account up to the earliest updated ones. I have been reading mine and I found it was so crazily fun! :D It has been recorded that I've joined facebook since 2009, but since my statuses in that particular year were mostly lack of good quality and so freaking lame (I frown all the time reading them! >..<), so let's just have a look at some of my interesting (read: the least lame of all) statuses in 2010. Some were written in Bahasa Indonesia though. So, yeah..
- March 20: "The winner sees problems as opportunities for further growth."
- May 10: "Love is the water of life, without love there is no life."
- July 1: "Sometimes, being smart means knowing how to give up."
- July 13: "Gapapa saya telat masuk kuliah satu tahun dari kawan-kawan seangkatan saya. Yang penting saya punya kesempatan untuk blajar di universitas nomer satu di negri jiran ini. Yang penting saya dapat kesempatan bersaing dalam komunitas yang lebih global. Yang penting saya bisa punya temen-temen dr berbagai negara berbeda seperti saat ini. Yang penting saya punya pegangan utk masa depan, dan yang paling penting: GRATIS! :D"
- July 22: "Dosen geologi gue td siang ngomong gini: "One of the biggest TIN deposit resources in d world is in BANGKA island, Sumatra, Indonesia." Gue langsung nyengir kuda, membusungkan dada, dan ngembang-ngempisin idung. BANGGA!"
- Jul 25: "For my juniors and everybody whose a big notion to study overseas whether its under scholarship or self-subsidizing, I just wanna to state that STUDY ABROAD IS SERIOUSLY NOT AS EASY AS YOU THINK T.T I don't mean to be so discouraging..but, you better think more than twice before you decide to give it a go ;)"
- Aug 10: "Teraweh pertama di negri orang. T_T Marhaban yaa Ramadhan..mudah mudahan bisa pol kayak taon kmaren :) Amin yaa Allah."
- Sep 2: "Two more days and I'll be seeing those two lil' angels. Oh Fatih & 'Aisya, Ammi cant wait to meet you guys and give you two my scary-bear-hugs :D"
- Sep 4: "Mr.sandler, I gave 8.5 out of 10 point of my movie-meter for your "GROWN UPS". I laughed from the beginning to the end. Thanks. It freshened me a lot! :D"
- Sep 19: "Just finished reading dwilogi Padang Bulan by Bang Andrea Hirata..Mantap boi!! A must-read-very-soon book!! :D"
- Sep 22: "The most common sample organism from phylum Porifera is : SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS. Hahahaha. Garing -__-v"
- Sep 23: "If you can dream it, you can do it!" - Walt Disney.
- Oct 15: "Just had a very very wonderful time with my presentation skill class buddies!! :D We'll definitely miss you Dr. Teoh Mei Lin, YOU SO ROCK!! :')"
- Oct 17 : X: "Dude, I think I've got that kinda homesick thing. I'm missing my mom. I miss her smile, her 'creepy' stare, everything! Dont u miss ur mom?" Me: " Of course I do, dude. I miss her in every single second of my life" X: "Yeah, so we definitely should go back home and meet our mom these next 3 weeks holiday!" Me: " I wish I can, but my mom has left us forever. She is resting in Heaven peacefully rite now :) Lucky you, dude. Don't stop making her proud!"
- Oct 23: "Just got a bad news. My brother, best friend, partner, enemy, wife: Insan Ramadhann, masuk rumah sakit, didiagnosis terserang DBD :'( Dude, please get well soon or I'll go there n kick your ass!!
- Oct 24: "Bagi burung biadab yang udah tega berakin gue waktu gue lagi serius belajar maen basket tadi sore: Gue sumpahin lo jadi burung single seumur hidup lo! Gue sumpahin lo diberakin ama burung yg lebih gede! Gue sumpahin ga ada yg mau temenan ama lo! Dasar burung yg tidak berperikemanusiaan! Masih kerasa tauk eek lo di mulut gue sampe sekaraaang T_T"
- Nov 5: "Be strong now, because things will get better. It might be stormy today, but it cant rain forever!"
- Nov 8: "Hey, Mr. Time!! Don't you realize that you have been running too fast?? Make it slower you moron!!"
- Nov 17: "Happy Eid Qurban 1431 H, everyone!! First time celebrating it way far from my motherland. I went nowhere today, no special foods and gathering, accidentally fell asleep all day long and 4 days remaining to those creepy final exam!! What a life!! T..T"
- Nov 18: "Damn you Mr. Rick Riordan..Can u just stop tempting and distracting me by your astonishing "Heroes of Olympus" books!! I gotta study for finals!!"
- Nov 19: "Just watched the last Harry Potter movie Part 1. Well, you did a great job David Yates. Eventhough it was sorta too dark (or gloomy?) and kinda became a horror movie plus a bit fulgar for kiddos,but hell yeah you got a better sense of humor this year. I'm still falling for Hermione Granger (or Emma Watson?), she was damn hotter than last time! Cant wait to see the 2nd part which will be released on July next year."
- Dec 1: "In this beginning of December, I've learned something: No need to be a doctor to possess abilities to heal somebody, all we need is being caring and loving to other people."
- Dec 21: "It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding!" - Kahlil Gibran.
- Dec 23: "Yesterday was very great, I had a perfect family gathering and met my cousins. Today, I'm not feeling really well, there must be something wrong with my body system. Tomorrow would be much greater for sure, as I'm gonna meet my princess. Aw aw. Hahaha
- Dec 31: "Saya yakin Allah maha mengetahui apa yang terbaik bagi saya. Semoga hasilnya sesuai dengan usaha yg sudah saya lakukan dan kemampuan yg saya miliki. Amiin yaa Rabbal 'Alamin.."
How I looked in 2010. Yuck! |