Wednesday, April 24

Quick Updates!

Hello, abandoned journal! Just wanna post some quick updates this time. I promise to write more here once I've finished all my thesis businesses, the deadline is getting closer and I've been performing such a snail progress so far >..<  So yeap, bottles of luck are utterly needed here! Countless of unfortunate events have been showing their asses lately, but so did the fortunate ones :) Lemme share the great ones for the sake of helping me to get the negativity riddance:

1. Older Interest: Applying for International Youth Empowerment Events.

I am always known as one of those youth conference mafia of the town. I couldn't help it, the global competition to get selected as delegate of your country is just so addictive. Once you got it, you would crave for some more. When you failed, it always taught you not to give up easily and keep doing more trials. As you can see below, there are three prestigious events I've got selected to attend lately. I want to go so bad, yet some academic and financial constraints are still blocking my way. Nonetheless, it's not Fajri Usman if he won't fight hard to reach his dreams. May Allah ease my way..

ISWI, Young Leaders for Indonesia, UN Musical in UN Headquarter. Would be insanely amazing experiences!

2. Newer Interest: Making Covers on Youtube.

I was told that singing and performing arts have always been my biggest passions since I was a fetus. However, I have never thought that my singing is particularly good until tonnes of friends convinced me in so many ways (mostly harsh and mean) about it. So yeah, I've decided to start going public and joining the new normal: posting your singing in online medium, regardless of your skill level. Some are really horrible at doing it, but I respect their courage a lot. So yeah, below are the first four covers I've made so far. I don't care what people think about them, it's the happiness generated when I created them that only matters :)

That's all for now. Lemme close this post with a quotation I really loved yet I've forgot who said it: "If you want people to always remember you once you are gone, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing". Adios!