Monday, December 10

Memories of 2011 (via Facebook)

Setelah bikin postingan tentang status-status facebook gue tahun 2010 (zaman dimana tingkat ke-alay-an gue masih selevel titisan Dewa Zeus), sekarang gue berniat untuk mendokumentasikan status-status di tahun 2011, dimana gue sudah agak sedikit tidak alay, yah sekelas titisannya Dewa Hades lah (yee sama aja dong -__-) . But, I'm actually doing this so that I can always recall all the bitter and sweet memories engraved in 2011. Because time flies by but memories stay forever, my friend :) Please expect this to be an extremely long post! Secara memori selama satu tahun gitu..
  • 3 Jan: "Dear Khoti Muliya Damiyati, Happy Anniversary, sweetheart!! Whoaa..It's been one year (again) already haha Wish we could be together like this for the next 5 years..err..I mean forever!! :) Remember, distance means nothing for us and yeah this feeling is getting stronger and stronger day by day..I love you more!!"
  • 9 Jan: "Riches are not from an abundance of worldly goods but from a contented mind" - Prophet Muhammad SAW.
  • 19 Jan: "Yesterday was awesooome! With triple O! Had so much fun in international food n cultural festival, my test ran so well, my report has been submitted punctually, and I finally got called by my LDR gf! \m/"
  • 26 Jan: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
  • 28 Jan: "I'm wishing my Khoti Muliya Damiyati could give her best effort in her national scientific writing competition!! Keep Makassar in rock and bring the trophy home, sweetheart!! ;)"
  • 30 Jan: "Just got back from KGPA. Udah lama ga kerja kuli begini haha penat gilee..while others had fun in prestigious dinner and sort of leadership camp, I worked so hard to earn some extra pocket money :D I should be proud of myself, shouldn't i?"
Seragam Nguli. Not Bad, yeaps?
  • 3 Feb:  "My greatest gratitude to my ayuk Maya Uspasari for being the first person on earth who texted me and wished me a great birthday, to my abang Budi Kurniawan as the first person who congratulated me a happy birthday via fb, and to my Khoti Muliya Damiyati for being the first human being who gave me a call and spread her love in my heart tonight! Thank you so much! :')  Love u guys like crazy!"
  • 3 Feb:  "I am not a teenager anymore :( "
  • 16 Feb: "Check this out: The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." actually uses every single letter of the alphabet! Haha."
  • 24 Feb: "Subhanallah, what a night! :') Surprisingly got 2nd place and judges' favorite award in this year's Feseni-UM :D Thanks a lot for all kind of supports showered!! :D Oh my, i'll have a test at 9am T..T Gotta go studyyy maaan *sigh*"
  • 25 Feb: "May Allah keep my only one elder sibling, Maya Uspasari, and our 2 little angels away from any kind of unexpected inconveniences during their 7-hours-journey tonight!! Make sure to catch me up as soon as you reach Sydney, Ayuk sayang!! Have a safe trip!! :')"
  • 1 Mar: "I really hate the fact that being a student who is under full-scholarship program means that you have to study harder than others. The burden it generates really sucks! "
  • 3 Mar: "Sungguh tidak pernah terbayangkan sebelumnya bahwa anggota keluarga kecil kami ini akan terpisah di 3 negara yg berbeda. Saya rindu Ayah dan kakak perempuan saya satu satunya! Rindu serindu rindunya T..T"
  • 4 Mar:  "My deepest gratitude to the committee of "Malam Anugerah Tuanku Bahiyah 1", I seriously don't know how to thank you guys for awarding me the "Anugerah Bakat Harapan Seni" :) My first trophy since I've been moving to Malaysia haha Again, thank you so much! :D"
The So Awesome Trophy with my full name engraved on it perfectly :')
  • 7 Mar:  "We do not remember days. We remember moments."
  • 10 Mar: "Everybody deserves to be treated equally! Whether s/he is white, black, yellow or brown!"
  • 12 Mar: "Bapak Usman Zuhri, Ayah nomor satu sedunia, selamat ulang tahun! Semoga Allah sentiasa melimpahkan rahmat dan hidayahNya kepada Baba'. Dan hamba mohon limpahkanlah nikmat kesehatan dan umur yang panjang kepada beliau, Yaa Rabb. I want him to attend my graduation,I need him to stand right by my side when I get married,I want him to see me building my dream house, I want to have a long trip with him.Oh my, I miss my Dad! I really do! ;("
  • 14 Mar: "Hafian Fuad, my "unrelated" brother, I've spent my childhood with u..went through my adolescence with u..and becoming a grown up with you as well!! (Seems like somebody has been stuck with me his whole life haha). Today is your turn, man!! Happy 20th birthday!! Welcome to the world of maturity!! May Allah bless your life!! I wish I could be there ;( I really do! #BloodyMissYou#"
  • 15 Mar: "The ones that love us never really leave us!" - Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
  • 18 Mar:  "Girl: Which is more important to you, your life or me?| Boy: Before I answer that, let me ask you first | Girl: Sure.| Boy: Is there a difference between you and my life?" 
  • 19 Mar: "Just had a superawesome BBQ party and 'bitter-sweet' moments wif Bintang Pamungkas, Syed Iftikar, Ahmad Zaldarriaga Sadain, Dil Adilla Hdw, Amira Nadaviana, Widya Handini, Nadia Syihab, Rihanna, Navid, Hasan, Wahid !! And Zeinab Smm, you are the best host we've ever met! Once again, Happy Iranian New Year! :D"
Iranian's New Year BBQ Partaaay :D
  • 22 Mar: "Beauty gets the attention, but Personality gets the heart!"
  • 25 Mar: "I really hope that on the next three years I could be an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Awardee! I want to study in Europe so baaad!"
  • 26 Mar:  "I'm so tired of people needing a reason for doing everything in their lives. Do it because you want to! Because it's fun! Because it makes you happy! Life is too short to be wasted by being miserable all the time!"
  • 27 Mar: "Today was "awesome"! I watched the stupidest movie ever, had a supercool dinner, asked strange people to take pictures of us, got stucked in "somebody"s car lol But still a great weekend! right Zeinab Smm, Huy Pham,Mahmood Soofi, Ahmad Zaldarriaga Sadain, Niajane Nelcy, Syed Iftikar?? :D"
  • 27 Mar: "Oh Insan Ramadhann and Risky Kurniawan, our stupid and short conversation in chat box made me feel so sad that u guys are not here to laugh with! Kangen (band) T..T"
The Idiots: Insan 'Bram' Ramadhan (Middle) and Risky 'Kiki' Kurniawan (Right)
  • 1 April: "I am so freaking exhausted T..T but enjoyed the annual gala dinner so much :D and big thanks to the committee for awarding me the "Anugerah Seni Kreatif 2010/2011" Yes world, they gave me a trophy again! Yeaaah \m/"
  • 2 April: "You are the reason I check my phone every ten minutes just to see if i have a new message, even when I don't."
You are that reason :)
  • 3 April: "Finally heard Hafian Fuad's voice after an age hahaha Thanks for calling and sharing your "karma" story, ma bro!! I surely learned a lesson based on ur story haha I'll call you someday :P Next week, okay? Be strong! Stay awesome! and Lailatul Qodri, you gotta do the same thing! Call me up! As soon as you got your salary for this month! :P"
  • 4 April: "Loving someone and having them love you back is the most precious thing in this world!"(Nicholas Sparks)
  • 4 April: "My Indonesia just got hit by an earthquake (again) T..T Dear God, it's totally not cool! Can You just please stop rewarding my country another catastrophes? Are we THAT bad? ;("
  • 5 Apr: "Just got awarded as 2nd winner of "UM's got talent 2011"! Really thought that I didn't deserve it well at first, as I didn't really give my best, had some technical problems & some participants were way more talented than me! ;( But then I realized that Allah always bestow His blessings upon those who've done good things and been a good person :) I've won 2nd place in 3 competitions this semester, I must have been a very good person then haha :D"

200 Ringgits Sahaja 
  • 8 April: "Nothing is lame with being a good student. I am trying and will always try to be a good student! \m/"
  • 9 Apr:  "Being all alone is not always bad :) I see things much clearer when I am alone."
  • 11 April:  "Things end. But memories last forever!"
  • 12 Apr: "Be confident. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren't. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses. And it is only when you accept everything you are (and aren't) that you will truly succeed!"
  • 13 Apr: "Most things are difficult before they are easy. I believe that I will always be able to survive in this mortal world. Yes, I really do!"
  • 15 Apr: "Just had a super mind-relaxing time with Daniel Tan Kian Hin, Zeinab Smm, Huy Pham, Amira Nadaviana, Deng Xin, Milad Moazzam, Aziza, Khairul, and the korean girls :D Today I figured out that I am quite good at bowling ahaha Thanks guys! :D"
  • 23 April: "Alhamdulillah, project bedah film bersama Mas Hanung Bramantyo hari ini berjalan dengan lancar. Terimakasih kepada semua pihak yg telah memberikan kontribusi hingga terlaksananya acara ini. Selaku ketua pelaksana, saya sangat sadar sekali bahwa masih banyak kekurangan disana sini, untuk itu saya mohon maaf sebesar besarnya. Sekarang saatnya fokus ke final exams..SEMANGAT! \m/"
Meet Hanung Bramantyo, epribadeh!!
  • 25 April: "Called my dad tonight and he successfully changed my mood. I am becoming so blue and am feeling so not being trusted. Great. Thanks, old man!"
  • 27 Apr: "I am trying and will always try to be a better Moslem day by day."
  • 28 Apr: "Untuk final exam besok setidaknya saya harus menjawab 80 soalan dengan benar jika ingin mendapat A untuk subject itu T..T such a sh*tty fact! That's impossible! But whatever, miracles happen all the time :D"
  • 2 May: "People cry, not because they are weak. It's because they have been strong for too long."
  • 3 May: "You were born because you are going to be important to someone. So, jangan pernah takut lo bakalan jomblo seumur hidup! It's only about time, single-buddies! :D"
  • 4 May:  "Yang paling bodoh dan paling tak berpendidikan adalah yang paling lantang dan paling pintar kalau bicara. (Hirata, Andrea. (2005). Laskar Pelangi. Hal. 264)"
  • 5 May: "It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid and dont ever try to say it. Haha."
  • 8 May: "Oh man, if only I have an Eidetic/Photographic memory! I am just so sick to read, to memorize, and to understand these notes repetitively! >..<"
  • 10 May: "Hey, the fact that I came from a super-small island which is also one of the youngest and smallest province in my country doesn't mean that I can't compete with y'all, big-head big city's fellas! \m/"
Bangga jadi anak pulau!! \m/
  • 11 May: "No more exams. My gf is coming to KL. Going to meet my dad soon. Going to have a superlong holiday. Going back to my hometown soon. Going to have a lot of fun with my best buddies. Will do visit my sister abroad (hopefully). Aaahh, what a beautiful life! XD"
  • 12 May: "A friend of mine ever told me that the only thing money gives you is the freedom of not worrying about money. Hahaha. That's just soooo true!!
  • 13 May: "Well, if people call you arrogant and selfish, they actually refer to everybody on this earth. Those are the most common human natures, duh? XD"
  • 18 May: "Happy birthday to Mr. Galih Yudha Kuswandaru, one of my best partners on this earth!! May Allah bless your life,bro! 20 years old already! XD Welcome to the world of maturity! So please stop acting like a kiddo XP HAHA. I'm gonna leave KL this Thursday and I am gonna miss your silliness so bad, dude! ;( Take care yo!"
Galih (on the right) admitted he never got any birthday surprise before. Kasihan :P
  • 19 May: "Had a very memorable experience in Malacca with Khoti Muliya Damiyati, Galih Yudha Kuswandaru, Rhara Husni Ali, Widya Handini, and Ellvhis Syaputri today XD That state is totally a must-visit place in this country! \m/"
  • 25 May: "Woman was created from the ribs of a man. Not from his head to be above him. Nor from his feet to be walk upon him. But from his side to be equal. Near to his arm to be protected and close to his heart to be loved."
  • 26 May: "Alhamdulillah, finally I've been officially registered and accepted as an Indonesian delegate in Asia-Pacific Model United Nations Conference 2011 in Australian National University along with my Rhara Husni Ali. Yeaaaaay \m/ We are gonna see you so soon ayuk Maya Uspasari sayang <3"
  • 3 Jun: "Pelajaran berharga yg saya dapat setelah re-read buku 5 cm dan Ranah 3 Warna 2 minggu belakangan ini : Sesungguhnya manusia yang paling baik dimata Tuhan dan sesama manusia adalah dia yang memiliki manfaat bagi orang lain dan lingkungan sekitarnya."
  • 6 Jun: "Dirgahayu ke-20 buat Chacha Sipidh, sahabat seperjuangan saya yg tidak hanya sangat sipit, namun juga sangat baik hati :D Wish you have the greatest one! Trust me, Everything is gonna be fine sooner or later, young lady! Keep your chin up! :)"
  • 6 Jun: "The word 'family' refers to those people who have been always proudly support the strengths which you possess and have been able to accept your weaknesses. So i can say that those best friends I am having currently are also my family, rite? :D"
  • 7 Jun: "KTP baru, identitas baru! :D Secara resmi nama saya mengalami sedikit perubahan, menjadi NAJMUL FAJRI USMAN! XD *status ini diupdate live dari kantor catatan sipil kota Pangkalpinang, Bangka, Indonesia. Haha. *"
  • 9 Jun: "R.I.P: My one month old 500 GB external hard-disk T..T It broke my heart to thousands pieces :( Hope dad would like to buy me the new one, not killing me instead HAHA"
  • 10 Jun: "Just got back from ziarah ke kuburan nyokap dan kakak gw ;) Hanya Allah lah yg tau betapa besar rindu dihati ini terhadap indahnya kebersamaan bersama keluarga yg lengkap seperti dulu :'("
  • 13 Jun: "Because those people whom you called siblings are priceless and invaluable.."
The only one sibling of mine. Love her to death.
  • 28 Jun:  "Menamatkan buku "Hafalan Shalat Delisa" by Tere Liye dalam satu hari. Sungguh buku yg sangat bagus. Inspiratif luar biasa. Satu dari sekian buku yg mampu menyentuh hati saya hingga banjir air mata. Terimakasih untuk beliau yang sudah menyarankan utk membaca buku ini, sampai2 rela membelikan buku ini utk saya. Terimakasih banyak, saya belajar banyak dr buku ini. Sungguh."
  • 9 Jul: "Off to Sydney, Australia. Bismillah"

Sydney, baby! 
  • 10 Jul: "Pelajaran penting: Jangan pernah mengunjungi Canberra pas winter! Dingin BANGET (with capitals!) Sumpah!"
  • 11 Jul: "Hari ini selain ngobrol sama anak Aussie juga ngobrol sama orang Kanada, New Zealand, India, Jepang, China, Singapura, Bangladesh, Korea, Jakarta, Jawa, Lampung, Bali, dll. Berasa keliling dunia dengerin aksen english mereka yg beda-beda :')"
  • 15 Jul: "Alhamdulillah, dapet juga ternyata gw beasiswa dari pemerintah ostralinya :D Huge thanks to the AusAid for giving me this bursary! \m/"
  • 17 Jul: "Today we finally witnessed the end of the journey of Mr. Harry Potter! \m/ Sorry to say Mr. David Yates, I expected much more than that ;( but still a VERY GOOD one though :D"
  • 20 Jul: "Strangers think i'm quiet, My friends think i'm out-going, but My bestfriends think I am completely INSANE! haha"
  • 20 Jul:  "Nothing is better than being surrounded by our closest family \m/ I am so blessed!!"
  • 21 Jul: "Just got back from the snowy mountain! :D Today I finally saw and touched my first real snow, dude! Don't know how to describe my feeling :') (udik memang, di kampung saya ga ada salju, harap maklum ehem)"
The most beautiful time of my life.
  • 24 Jul: "Just landed on the city of Gold Coast! XD It's soo much warmer than Canberra and Sydney, people!! Sweet!! \m/"
  • 26 Jul: "Today we went to the Warner Brothers Movie World, Hollywood on the Gold Coast! It was just so awesome, peeps! XD" 
  • 27 Jul:  "Off to Brisbane \m/"
  • 30 Jul:  "Landed safely in Canberra last night, had so much fun in Gold Coast these last five days. Huge thanks to Austin Hasan and her mom for a super great hospitality! \m/"
  • 30 Jul: "Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway. Haha."
  • 31 Jul: "Because I know that I am not THAT perfect. Well, nobody is!"
  • 31 Jul: "I miss two smartest idiots I ever know, Hafian Fuad and Lailatul Qodri! Cant wait to meet up and to do something dumb in the next two weeks! XD"
The idiots: Latul (middle) and Puad (right). We looked so damn gay here. Mahaha.
  • 1 Aug: "Today would be our first fasting day. Ramadaan Mubaarak, everyone! May Allah shower his choicest blessings on us and our family. May He bestow His infinite mercy upon the entire Ummah and help the needy and oppressed throughout the world. Ameen."
  • 6 Aug:  "We are heading to Sydney (again). I'll see you next year beautiful Canberra! (hopefully) \m/"
  • 7 Aug:  "Last day in Australia. I'll go back home tomorrow, go back to the real world, go back to that rough life. Haha. Farewell, Australia! Thanks a lot for the last 30 amazing days :')"
  • 13 Aug: "While world gives me a hundred reasons to cry, my best friend gives me a thousand reasons to laugh!"
  • 18 Aug:  "Son: Hey Dad, I desperately wanna get a MacBook..| Dad: Oh come on Son, get a job! | Son: Dad, let's go try that new chinese restaurant! Look so yumm! | Dad: No, go get a wife! | Dad: Hello Son, would u come over to accompany me to go jogging this morning? | Son: Oh Dad, please, get a Dog!" Haha #TrueStory
  • 21 Aug: "I am all alone and I am okay!"
  • 8 Sep: "Up in the hill with my favorite buddies :D Bukit merbaung mamen \m/"
My favorite buddies!
Another favorite buddies of mine.
  • 14 Sep: "Off to palembang. Last day in this merciful Indonesia, another one day before I go back to the reality, bitches! \m/"
  • 18 Sep: "Middle finger is used when words aren't enough to let people know how annoying they are :p"
  • 20 Sep: "Today I eventually finished reading "MUHAMMAD: Lelaki Penggenggam Hujan", huge thanks to Aak Seftia 'Tia' Aza who has lent me this great biography novel, cant wait to read up the sequel :)"
  • 20 Sep: "Yes, I am not perfect at all. Are you?"
  • 22 Sep: "I go to twitter and check my BBM much more frequently than I do in facebook now. So, please do follow and invite me, fellas :)"
  • 26 Sep: "Subjects for this semester have been fixed: Research Methods, Environmental Assignment, Environmental Pollution, Biological Monitoring, Environmental Health and Safety, Introduction to Waste Management, and Introduction to Geographic Info System (GIS). May the Force be with me this whole semester! Amin yaa Allah!"
  • 27 Oct: "Home wifi has been installed. Another big fat ugly distraction. T..T" 
  • 10 Nov: "I've started to end every call and message I gave to my Dad with those 3 magical words. Yes, i end them up with that "I LOVE YOU" sentence. I cant imagine how red that old man's face is, when he heard and read them. Haha. Gotcha, daddy!"
  • 12 Nov: "I strongly support the Green Economy concept which is gonna be addressed by the UN through the upcoming Rio+20 Conference. It might be the most appropriate method in achieving sustainable development and global poverty eradication!"
  • 13 Nov:  "I do believe that interracial marriage is one of the best ways to achieve the World Peace. When differences become less matter, the peace itself will embrace human race all the way."
  • 15 Nov: "Past is experience, Present is experiment & Future is expectation. Use experience in your experiments to achieve your expectations."
Friends also play crucial roles in determining your present and future time through past experience.
  • 21 Nov: "Thanks for those who has been concerning about the current quality of my study. But couldn't you use a less-insulting way to express it? Couldn't you just tell me properly instead of complaining behind my back? Fyi, I am totally aware that my perseverance level in studying is terribly decreasing. You barely know me and what stuff that I am facing now, you don't personally judge me as if you have never done the same. People do have moments when they are not really into their study, right? I skip some classes doesn't mean I don't study as hard as you do. It doesn't mean that I put less efforts than you do. It doesn't mean that i don't work hard enough to catch up things that I missed. I am not always a lazy pig as you think I am. I have been trying my best, okay. Thank you so much, anyway. I forgot how criticisms can really boost up somebody's urge to keep trying to be a better person. I promise you an immediate improvement :)"
  • 22 Nov:  "If only you are still 'here' with us, you might be either that 26 year old-married-and-success kinda man or that 26-single-and-hot kinda guy ;) Somehow I miss those moments when you brutally teased me, which always ended by a literal fight and I cried first. I miss those moments when you acted as a pro teacher and taught me everything you know, including how-to-speak-'broken'-English-properly lesson (which I've been practicing until now haha). I miss those awkward moments when you tried to show me that you are the greatest brother on earth and you are gonna do anything to protect our whole family. If only you are still 'here', we might have been much closer than before. You are supposed to celebrate your birthday with me, today. Yes, just you and me, two most awesome brothers ever existed. But apparently different things happened all the way. Never mind, I always let bygone be bygone though. I believe that you really are resting in peace right beside HIM now. But still, Happy 26th Birthday, my late ABANG!! I wish u billions of good returns :')" 
  • 23 Nov : "Good news: My acoustic group is on the final round of "Rev Up Your Talent UM 2011" event, everyone! Please do come to support and to vote for us today, okay? It's gonna be held at the AUDITORIUM of KPS. Our performance itself will be around 3 to 4 PM. So, if you are free and have no class at that time, please don't be hesitant to come over, aye? Your presence means a lot! ;)"
We won 2nd place at the end of it :D
  • 11 Dec: "People come with different perspectives. Every single human being in this world has their own ways to see things. I always respect that fact. Why can't you?"
  • 22 Dec: "Happy Indonesian Mother's Day! The only thing I wish God could bring back to my life is my Mom. Thus, people, please do love your Ma as much as you can, while you are still having her by your side. ;)"
  • 26 Dec: "Welcome to KL my most awesome uncle, Pakcu Subhan Zuhri Muhammad and his little family!! XD Nothing is better than being surrounded by our closest family, indeed! :D"
My uncle rocks!!

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